Funnel Chart
A Funnel Chart in REAVIZ is perfect for visualizing the flow of data through various stages of a process. Each slice represents a step, with the final slice showing the end result. This type of chart helps you understand conversion rates and process efficiency.
Where to use:
- Track Conversion Rates: Ideal for visualizing conversion rates at each stage.
- Analyze Processes: Useful for identifying drop-offs in multi-step processes.
- Evaluate Workflow Efficiency: Great for assessing the efficiency of a workflow.
Quick Start
To create a funnel chart, use import the FunnelChart
and give it some data
FunnelChart (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Chart shape used to render the funnel.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]>[] | |
series | The series component that renders the funnel components.ReactElement<FunnelSeriesProps, FC<Partial<FunnelSeriesProps>>> | <FunnelSeries /> |
id | Id of the chart.string | |
width | Width of the chart. If not provided will autosize.number | |
height | Height of the chart. If not provided will autosize.number | |
margins | Margins for the chart.Margins | 0 |
className | Classnames for the chart.string | |
containerClassName | Classnames for the chart.string | |
style | Additional css styles.StyleHTMLAttributes<SVGSVGElement> | |
center | Center the chart. Used mainly internally.boolean | |
centerX | Center chart on X Axis only. Used mainly internally.boolean | |
centerY | Center chart on Y Axis only. Used mainly internally.boolean |
FunnelSeries (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Parsed data shape. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]>[] | |
id | Id of the funnel chart. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.string | |
arc | The arc component that renders the funnel shape.ReactElement<FunnelArcProps, FC<Partial<FunnelArcProps>>> | <FunnelArc /> |
axis | The axis component that renders the funnel axis.ReactElement<FunnelAxisProps, FC<Partial<FunnelAxisProps>>> | <FunnelAxis /> |
height | Height of the chart. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.number | |
width | Width of the chart. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.number | |
onSegmentClick | Event for when a segment is clicked.(e: ClickEvent) => void |
FunnelArc (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
id | Unique identifier for the arc. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.string | |
data | Data to render the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]>[] | |
opacity | Opacity of the funnel arc.number | |
index | Index of the funnel arc. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.number | |
variant | The chart funnel style to use."default" | "layered" | |
xScale | xScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.any | |
yScale | yScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.any | |
interpolation | Interpolation for the area. Set internally by `AreaSeries`.InterpolationTypes | |
colorScheme | Color scheme for the chart.ColorSchemeType | |
gradient | Gradient to apply to the area.ReactElement<GradientProps, FC<Partial<GradientProps>>> | |
glow | Glow styling for the arc.Glow | |
tooltip | Tooltip for the chart area.ReactElement<TooltipAreaProps, ForwardRefExoticComponent<Partial<TooltipAreaProps> & RefAttributes<any>>> |
FunnelAxis (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Data to render the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]>[] | |
xScale | xScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.any | |
yScale | yScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.any | |
line | The funnel axis line.ReactElement<FunnelAxisLineProps, FC<Partial<FunnelAxisLineProps>>> | <FunnelAxisLine /> |
label | Label component for the axis.ReactElement<FunnelAxisLabelProps, FC<Partial<FunnelAxisLabelProps>>> | <FunnelAxisLabel /> |
FunnelAxisLabel (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Data object for the label. Set internally by `FunnelAxis`.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]> | |
index | Index of the label. Set internally by `FunnelAxis`.number | |
fill | Color of the text.string | #fff |
fontSize | Font size of the text.number | 13 |
fontFamily | Font family of the text.string | sans-serif |
padding | Padding of the label.number | 10 |
className | Class name to apply to the text.string | |
xScale | xScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelAxis`.any | |
yScale | yScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelAxis`.any | |
position | Positioning of the label."top" | "bottom" | "middle" | middle |
showValue | Whether to show the value of the data.
Defaults to `true`.boolean | true |
labelVisibility | Visibility of the label."auto" | "always" | auto |
FunnelAxisLine (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
strokeColor | Color of the axis lines.string | #333 |
strokeWidth | Width of the axis lines.number | 2 |
xScale | xScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.any | |
yScale | yScale for the funnel. Set internally by `FunnelChart`.any | |
index | Index of the line. Set internally by `FunnelAxis`.number |