Radial Gauge
A Radial Gauge in REAVIZ uses a radial scale to display a specific data point using a dial over a radial scale with defined limits. This type of gauge is ideal for showing how a value fits within a circular range.
Types supported by reaviz:
- Single - Displays a single data point on a radial scale.
- Stacked - Displays multiple data points stacked within the same radial gauge.
Where to use:
- Display Single Values: Ideal for showing a specific value within a circular range.
- Track Metrics: Useful for tracking performance metrics against a target.
- Compare Multiple Values: Great for comparing multiple values within the same gauge.
Quick Start
To create a Radial Gauge, use import the RadialGauge
and give it data
. The chart
will automatically configure itself with the default options exposed via props
In this example, we only pass one data object, however, we can pass multiples and it will distribute the values across them.
RadialGauge (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data * | Data the chart will receive to render.ChartDataShape[] | |
minValue | Min value to scale on.number | number[] | 0 |
maxValue | Max value to scale on.number | number[] | 100 |
startAngle | Start angle for the first value.number | 0 |
endAngle | End angle for the last value.number | Math.PI * 2 |
series | Gauge series component to render.ReactElement<RadialGaugeSeriesProps | StackedRadialGaugeSeriesProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeSeriesProps>> | FC<...>> | <RadialGaugeSeries /> |
id | Id of the chart.string | |
width | Width of the chart. If not provided will autosize.number | |
height | Height of the chart. If not provided will autosize.number | |
margins | Margins for the chart.Margins | |
className | Classnames for the chart.string | |
containerClassName | Classnames for the chart.string | |
style | Additional css styles.StyleHTMLAttributes<SVGSVGElement> | |
center | Center the chart. Used mainly internally.boolean | |
centerX | Center chart on X Axis only. Used mainly internally.boolean | |
centerY | Center chart on Y Axis only. Used mainly internally.boolean |
RadialGaugeSeries (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
id | Unique id for the series.string | |
data | Data to render set by `RadialGauge` component.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]>[] | |
scale | D3 scale function set by `RadialGauge` component.any | |
startAngle | Start angle set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
endAngle | Start angle set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
arcWidth | The "thickness" of the arcsnumber | 5 |
width | Width set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
height | Height set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
padding | Padding between each gauge.number | 20 |
colorScheme | Color scheme to apply.ColorSchemeType | ['#00ECB1'] |
innerArc | Arc component.ReactElement<RadialGaugeArcProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeArcProps>>> | <RadialGaugeArc /> |
outerArc | Outer arc component. This is the 'fill' element.ReactElement<RadialGaugeArcProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeArcProps>>> | <RadialGaugeOuterArc /> |
label | Label component.ReactElement<RadialGaugeLabelProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeLabelProps>>> | <RadialGaugeLabel /> |
valueLabel | Value label component.ReactElement<RadialGaugeValueLabelProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeValueLabelProps>>> | <RadialGaugeValueLabel /> |
minGaugeWidth | Min width for a gauge. Only applicable in multi-series gauges.number | 50 |
StackedRadialGaugeSeries (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Data to render set by `RadialGauge` component.ChartDataShape[] | |
scale | D3 scale function set by `RadialGauge` component.any | |
startAngle | Start angle set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
endAngle | Start angle set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
width | Width set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
height | Height set by `RadialGauge` component.number | |
colorScheme | Color scheme to apply.ColorSchemeType | ['#00ECB1'] |
innerArc | Arc component.ReactElement<RadialGaugeArcProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeArcProps>>> | <RadialGaugeArc animated={true} /> |
stackedInnerArc | Stacked Arc component.ReactElement<RadialGaugeStackedArcProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeStackedArcProps>>> | <RadialGaugeStackedArc animated={true} /> |
outerArc | Outer arc component. This is the 'fill' element.ReactElement<RadialGaugeArcProps, FC<Partial<RadialGaugeArcProps>>> | <RadialGaugeArc disabled={true} animated={false} /> |
label | Label component.ReactElement<StackedRadialGaugeValueLabelProps, FC<Partial<StackedRadialGaugeValueLabelProps>>> | <StackedRadialGaugeValueLabel /> |
descriptionLabel | Description label component.ReactElement<StackedRadialGaugeDescriptionLabelProps, FC<Partial<StackedRadialGaugeDescriptionLabelProps>>> | |
fillFactor | A factor from 0 to 1 determining how much of the Gauge should be filled with arcsnumber | 0.2 |
arcPadding | Padding between the stacked arcs, following d3 bandwidth innerPaddingnumber | 0.15 |
RadialGaugeArc (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
id | ID generated by the chart.string | |
data | Data set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` components.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]> | |
startAngle | Start angle set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` components.number | |
endAngle | End angle set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` components.number | |
innerRadius | Inner radius set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` components.number | |
outerRadius | Outer radius set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` components.number | |
color | Color set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` components.any | #353d44 |
cornerRadius | Corner Radius of the arcs, see https://github.com/d3/d3-shape#arc_cornerRadiusnumber | 0 |
padAngle | Pad Angle between adjacent arcs, see https://github.com/d3/d3-shape#arc_padAnglenumber | 0 |
padRadius | Pad Radius between adjacent arcs, see https://github.com/d3/d3-shape#arc_padRadiusnumber | |
animated | Animation set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` component.boolean | true |
disabled | Disable the interactions.boolean | false |
fill | Fill the arc.string | |
gradient | Gradient shades for the bar.ReactElement<GradientProps, FC<Partial<GradientProps>>> | |
tooltip | Tooltip component.ReactElement<ChartTooltipProps, FC<Partial<ChartTooltipProps>>> | <ChartTooltip /> |
onClick | Event for when the arc is clicked.(event: any) => void | |
onMouseEnter | Event for when the arc has mouse enter.(event: any) => void | |
onMouseLeave | Event for when the arc has mouse leave.(event: any) => void |
RadialGaugeLabel (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Data set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` component.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]> | |
offset | Offset set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` component.number | |
className | Classname to apply to the label.any | |
onClick | Label click event.(event: { data: any; nativeEvent: any; }) => void | () => undefined |
StackedRadialGaugeValueLabel (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
label | A label shown at the centerstring | |
className | A class name to applystring | |
yOffset | A y offset to apply to the labelnumber | 0 |
StackedRadialGaugeDescriptionLabel (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
label | A label shown at the centerstring | |
className | A class name to applystring | |
yOffset | A y offset to apply to the labelnumber | 0 |
RadialGaugeValueLabel (opens in a new tab)
Prop | Description | Default |
data | Data set by the `RadialGaugeSeries` component.ChartShallowDataShape<ChartDataTypes | [ChartDataTypes, ChartDataTypes]> | |
className | Classname to apply to the value label.any |